Our Services

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Acupuncture is a health practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine that involves the insertion of thin metal needles into specific points on the body to regulate qi or life force energy. Acupuncture is used most commonly to relieve pain but is also used to treat a wide range of conditions. Some of these may include nausea, nerve damage, smoking cessation, insomnia, and fertility.  Acupuncture is supported by scientific findings regarding its effectiveness.

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Belly Dance.

Belly Dance is an expressive type of dance originating in Egypt.  Its origins may have included helping women with childbirth.  It is a fun form of exercise coming in many styles from traditional Egyptian oriental dance to folkloric dance.  Because it is a low impact, non-weight bearing exercise, it is suitable for all ages.  Various moves from undulations to shimmies provide benefits to different parts of the body.



Counseling is offered by licensed mental health providers to assist individuals, couples, and/or families on a variety of issues.  There many issues that can be addressed in therapy.  These issues range from lack of self-esteem to addictions to marital problems.  Counseling is a confidential service that is often covered by health insurance.  Some providers offer psychological evaluation and diagnosis in addition to outpatient therapy.

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Essential Oils.

Essential oils have been used for millennia to facilitate health and healing.  These therapeutic grade oils are extracted from plants across the globe.  Different oils hold different benefits for bodily systems. For example, peppermint, fennel, or ginger oils may aid in digestion for some people while having different benefits for another user.  Therapeutic grade essential oils can be distributed to the body aromatically or topically, as well as through ingestion or massage.


Feng Shui.

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese tradition that works with energies (similar to the qi in acupuncture) to harmonize the individual with their environment.  Many Hong Kong businesses use Feng Shui to ensure proper placement of a building on their property.  Feng Shui practitioners analyze the flow of energy in homes, businesses, and landscapes to ensure that energies are not blocked and are positively enhanced.  For example, extreme clutter can restrict proper energy flow and sleeping on a bed from a failed marriage may impact new relationships.


Healthy Foods.

Researchers are discovering that changes in diets can have powerful impacts on health.  For example, individuals with Type 2 Diabetes have been able to reduce or eliminate all pharmaceuticals by changing the types of food they ingest.  While different foods have different impacts on individuals, it has been found that diets focusing on fresh fruits and vegetables while avoiding overly processed foods such as refined sugar can reduce inflammation and many illnesses associated with obesity.


Herbal Consultation.

Plants and botanicals have been used to treat diseases and maintain health throughout all of human history. Herbal medicine aims to treat issues naturally with the least invasive and aggressive means possible. Herbal supplements can be used in many ways, including teas, creams, pills, powders, tinctures, gels, bath additives, and more.  As an example, Echinacea has long been used for sore throats, treating wounds and burns, and relieving an upset stomach.  Herbalists review your personal information to develop an individualized herbal plan.



Hypnosis is an ancient, now evidence-based, practice that uses a state of deep relaxation to assist individuals in producing life changes for many issues. In this state of the sub-conscious mind is extremely receptive to positive thoughts and suggestions. Under hypnosis, behavior can be modified in a beneficial way helping individuals to replace old, unwanted beliefs and behaviors. Individuals naturally enter the hypnotic state when fully engaged in a good movie, book, or even while driving long distances. It is a technique that is effective, relaxing, and drug-free.


Life Coaching.

Life Coaching is a method of motivational counseling that helps clients identify their goals and formulate a realistic plan to help achieve them. This method has proven to be one of the most successful forms of talk therapy. Life coaching can help people make decisions, positively impact their relationships, deal with their problems constructively, ease through transitions and pull through difficult times. This method can channel motivation to tap into one’s full potential.


Massage Therapy & Therapeutic Bodywork.

Massage Therapy and other forms of therapeutic bodywork such as CranioSacral Therapy and Trager® Approach are beneficial, restorative, and enjoyable treatments to maintain wellness or manage a health condition. A trained professional manually manipulates or supports the soft tissues of the body, usually with the hands, to enhance mobility and relieve pain. Oils and lotions can be used in Massage Therapy, and in other forms of bodywork they are not necessary. Various techniques are used to stimulate the muscles, connective tissue, and other systems of the body. These practices offer relaxation, as well as many other benefits.


Past Life Regression.

Through the use of hypnosis (see section on Hypnotherapy), individuals are offered the opportunity to connect with a past, future, or parallel life to obtain useful information for their current life.  A belief in past lives is not required for this fun but often insightful practice.  Our sub-conscious mind can be unlocked to provide insight on current phobias, relationship issues, or barriers to success.  Repressed memories from this life are not included as they are often false and unhelpful.



Reiki is a type of energy healing that encourages emotional and physical health for people and animals. Reiki practitioners channel beneficial universal life force energy.  Reiki can be done with or without touch. Reiki can resolve blockages within the body and bring flow to stagnant energy. This technique offers physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits, mental clarity, and a relaxing experience. Reiki may also be learned as a personal healing or meditative practice.


Sound Healing.

Sound Healing is an age-old technique that applies sound frequencies (Hertz) to the body for healing and relaxation.  It can be conducted in individual sessions, such as on a massage table or in a vibroacoustical chair, or in a group setting called a sound bath.  Therapeutic sounds are applied via a large range of instruments including voice, Tibetan or crystal bowls, drums, rattles, tuning forks, etc.  It can be accomplished with or without touch and can be combined with other techniques such as Reiki.


Spiritual Counseling.

This form of counseling focuses on an individual’s spiritual life and is often conducted by a member of the clergy.  Spiritual principles and religious beliefs are discussed in an effort to improve an individual’s life.  It may include bereavement counseling to deal with loss of a loved one, including the loss of a pet.  Another option is Harner method shamanic counseling that empowers the individual to find their own answers using the shamanic journey technique.


Tarot Readings.

Since at least the fifteenth century, specialized card decks have been utilized to provide individuals with additional information when making positive life decisions.  Readings can be generalized or focused on specific areas such as health, relationships, careers, or finances.  Readings are offered in the spirit of entertainment and are great fun at festivities such as bridal showers or brunches.  Training in tarot reading is also available.



Yoga is a system of mental, physical, and spiritual practices originating in India. Yoga combines body postures, breathing techniques, stretches and relaxation to enhance overall health and flexibility. Yoga is a practice, provided in a variety of styles, to ensure that a safe and enjoyable yoga option is available for people of all ages and abilities.  Popular styles include restorative, gentle, and chair yoga.  Yoga can also be targeted to specific groups of individuals such as those suffering from traumas.