General Information on Health & Wellness
Staying Regular Naturally
Constipation can be more than just uncomfortable. It can have a negative impact on our health. Staying regular is vitally important to overall well-being…
What to Look for in a Product Label
Americans are looking for toothpastes, shampoo and makeup that won’t poison them – or the planet. Americans slather, scrub, polish and perfume with wild abandon, choosing from an array of gels, creams, pastes and foams. Thousands of products promise fresher breath, whiter teeth, glossier hair and clearer skin…
Know about Poisonous Plants - for the Health and Well Being of Your Family
With the summer season upon us, and outdoor activities at their peak, it is important to know the poisonous plants present in our environment. It could affect the well-being of your family. Deaths from poisoning are not very common today, but occasional fatalities from consuming poisonous plants and mushrooms still occur…
Plastics & Your Health
lastics are one source that has become virtually ubiquitous world-wide. Many plastics contain a compound called bisphenol A (BPA) that is also used in epoxy resins and has a chemical structure that mimics the hormone estrogen…
Attuning to Our Natural Rhythms
During this Autumn season, the Earth is drawing energy inward, nurturing roots, bulbs and life that will be blanketed with snow this winter. For many of us, personal energy is drawn inward and appreciation and introspection occupy our minds…
Natural First Aid Kit
There are three natural remedies in my personal first aid kit that have been extremely useful to me over the years. These past two weeks I had the opportunity to use all three, which inspired me to write this article. The three remedies are Aloe vera, Rescue Remedy, and homeopathic Arnica montana…
The Missing Link in the Health Care System
Our current health care system is like a broken chain. The United States spends more on health care than any other country in the world, and yet the World Health Organization ranks us 37th out of 191 countries in overall performance and 72nd in overall health…
Location & Wellness
When it comes to sound real estate investments, experienced professionals identify three important factors for success: location, location, and location. The same can be said for health and wellness…
Invest in Yourself
The best investment you can make is in yourself. It doesn’t matter if it involves a seminar or a day at the spa, investing in yourself always pays off…